
Our Global Partnerships and Collaborations

At EffRx Pharmaceuticals, we pride ourselves on forging strong, strategic partnerships that span the globe. Our network of affiliations is a testament to our commitment to innovation, excellence and the advancement of patient care in the pharmaceutical landscape.

EffRx Pharmaceuticals is dedicated to maintaining transparent, ethical, and productive relationships with all our partners. Together, we are making significant strides in medical research, improving the quality of life for patients worldwide and shaping the future of healthcare.

European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE)

EUCOPE stands for the European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs. EUCOPE provides a platform for discussion for pharmaceutical entrepreneurs. On a regular basis, owners and CEOs of pharmaceutical companies and associations discuss solutions to improve the quality of life for patients and to strengthen the competitiveness of the European pharmaceutical industry.

The Swiss Biotech Association

The Swiss Biotech Association is a non-profit, member-driven organization representing the interests of the Swiss biotech industry. Swiss biotech companies are leading the way in developing and commercializing innovative medicines, diagnostics, healthcare treatments, services and enabling technologies. To strengthen and promote the Swiss biotech industry, the Swiss Biotech Association collaborates with numerous partners and life science clusters globally under the brand Swiss Biotech™

International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF)

Partnering with 209 national societies in 96 global locations, as well as scientists and companies around the world, IOF works towards the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis and bone, muscle and joint disorders. Their efforts are focused on: research, training and education, promoting their global network, policy and advocacy and global campaigning.

Greater Zurich Area
Greater Zurich Area

Life sciences is one of the industries with the strongest representation in the Greater Zurich Area. The region is one of the most important life-sciences centers in Europe today. Many international companies in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical technology sectors have settled in the Greater Zurich Area. Medical technology functions as precisely as a Swiss watch as it builds on the expertise of a watch-making industry with a rich history. Other areas of life sciences also capitalize on this extensive knowledge, as the transfer of knowledge between research and business is seamless.

Health Tech Cluster Switzerland Logo
Health Tech Cluster Switzerland

Health Tech Cluster Switzerland is a network of manufacturers, suppliers, research and training institutions as well as service providers and investors in the field of health technologies. The cluster consists of companies from medical technology, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, diagnostics and healthcare together in a profitable way, thereby increasing added value.

Association of Pharmaceutical Companies in Switzerland

vips is the association of pharmaceutical companies active in Switzerland that represents the interests of its members with the relevant Swiss target groups. The focus is on patient benefit, security of supply, fair pricing, ensuring fair and business-friendly conditions, efficient processes in administration and the protection of intellectual property.

The Swiss Group for Inborn Errors of Metabolism (SGIEM)

The Swiss Group for Inborn Errors of Metabolism (SGIEM) brings together professionals involved in the diagnosis and clinical follow-up of patients suspected or proven to have an inborn error of metabolism (IEM). EffRx Pharmaceuticals is a sponsor of SGIEM.

World Orphan Drug Alliance (WODA)

WODA is a global leader dedicated to advancing treatments for rare diseases. It unites biopharmaceutical companies, research institutions, and patient groups worldwide to accelerate the development of orphan drugs. Our mission is to drive innovation and collaboration to bring life-saving therapies to patients with rare conditions. EffRx Pharmaceuticals is proud to support WODA’s commitment to making a meaningful difference in the lives of patients with rare and orphan diseases.