Strategic In-licensing

Focusing on Niche Therapeutics and Rare Diseases

EffRx is pro-actively seeking in-licensing opportunities for Europe in niche therapeutic areas, with a primary interest in rare diseases, endocrinology and musculoskeletal diseases.

EffRx is committed to bringing new medicines to rare disease patients and directly commercializes rare disease medications in Switzerland. EffRx’s active participation in the World Orphan Disease Alliance (WODA) is a proof of this commitment.

EffRx’s competence with orphan drugs is also demonstrated by the fact that EffRx has received in the past an orphan drug designation (ODD) from the FDA in the US for a development product.

In-licensing at EffRx

Bridging Innovative Therapies to the Swiss and European Market

Unlocking Opportunities for Niche and Orphan Medicines: EffRx specializes in in-licensing opportunities, focuses on bringing innovative therapies, especially in niche and orphan disease areas, to the Swiss and European markets. Our mission is to partner with small to mid-size biopharmaceutical companies aiding in the late development, commercialization and valorization of their late-stage medicines.

Collaborative Growth

Seeking Partnerships for Expansion

EffRx is actively seeking collaboration opportunities with innovative small to mid-sized biopharmaceutical companies not having a Swiss/EU set-up and looking to commercialize their medicines in Switzerland/Europe.